![]() RULES:
Rule 1: HHV8 subtype and subgroup. Subtype assigned based on sequence located in the K1 clustering inside a HHV8 subtype and subgroup with bootstrap > 75%. Rule 2: check the report. Subtype unassigned based on sequence located in the K1 clustering outside a HHV8 subtype and subgroup with bootstrap > 75%. Rule 3: check the report. Subtype unassigned based on sequence located in the K1 do not clustering with HHV8 subtype with bootstrap > 75%. Rule 4: genomic region not supported. HHV8 genomic region not supported for subtyping analysis identified with BLAST score > 200.
Developed in cooperation with the Evolutionary Biology Group at University of Oxford, UK, HIV-1 Pathogenesis and Immunotherapeutics Program at University of Pretoria, South Africa. Funded by the Marie Curie Fellowship, Wellcome Trust and the Royal Society, UK. Suggestions or problems on the program please contact: Dr Tulio de Oliveira. |