Evolutionary Biology Group, Oxford BioAfrica

Virus Genotyping Tools Mirrors

More information about the tools and its developers.

 Back to the Virus Genotyping Tools page: Bioafrica LASP CPqGM FIOCRUZ Stanford HIV Drug Resistance DB Oxford Internal use Leuven NIH Japan Hong Kong University
The Virus Genotyping Tools are developed in cooperation with the Evolutionary Biology Group at University of Oxford, UK., the HIV-1 Pathogenesis and Immunotherapeutics Program at University of Pretoria, South Africa, the Laboratorio Avancado de Saude Publica (LASP) CPqGM/FIOCRUZ, Brazil, and the REGA Institute at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.

Funded by the Marie Curie Fellowship, Flanders Bilateral Cooperation Program,Wellcome Trust and Royal Society, UK.

For questions, suggestions or problems please contact:  Dr. Tulio de Oliveira.